“Many small people in many small places will do small things that will change the world” (Leo Buscaglia)
We are Sensara, a small company that knows a little bit about something in a place like Logroño that is small, but very creative in the search for innovative ways of offering solutions that help us advance.
We know a little about water cycle technologies and we are obsessed with the idea of finding control and monitoring applications that enable us to improve the processes, ensuring better energy efficiency and, of course, cost savings, i this way doing something to try to leave our children a world that is in no worse a state than the one we found it in.
Along the way we have been fortunate enough to meet our other half, INCONEF, a company with a similar approach and ideas, which is the perfect complement to our knowledge.
Please contact us and tell us what you need. We will leave no stone unturned to provide you with a solution.
Our idea was to create a top-quality product at a reasonable price. It would seem that our idea has been a great success as our business has grown constantly in recent years.